Pregnancy is an important time for a woman to be under Chiropractic care. From the moment of conception, your body changes dramatically. Some changes are easy to spot: a growing belly, change in posture, change to walking – that characteristic pregnant “waddle’. Other changes are less easy to spot.

Structurally, the increase in weight forwards pulls on the low back and pelvis. The mid and upper back then pull back to compensate and the neck and head then tilt forward. The pregnant woman also produces a hormone called relaxin, which relaxes the
ligaments and muscles of the body preparing for
birth. Often any pre-existing niggles or longstanding
restrictions become more and more obvious and
painful as the baby grows.
The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic
analysis for pregnancy. The goal of the adjustment
is to reduce the effects of sacral subluxation/ SI joint
dysfunction to improve the neuro-biomechanical
function in the pelvis in preparation for child birth.
Chiropractic during pregnancy allows your pelvis to
move optimally, allowing the baby to position itself

The result of this type of treatment can be a reduction in low back pain, Sacro-illiac joint pain and inflammation or a reduction in symptoms of pubic symphysitis.

Tips for Caring for Your Spine During Pregnancy
Avoid one-sided positions and repetitive motions to one-side.
Avoid carrying older siblings on your hips.
When sitting, tilt your pelvis forward and avoid long periods of time in semi-reclining positions, such as car seats, lying on the couch or reclining chairs. Your knees should never be higher than your hips.
Avoid crossing your legs. This can put the pelvis in a slight twist.
When sleeping, lay on your side (left is best) and prop pillows or folded towels between your knees for comfort. You spend approximately one third of your life in bed, so get comfortable. Use a supportive pillow and a firm mattress for spinal support.
Avoid wearing high heels.
Don’t try to sit straight up from a lying position using your abdominal muscles. Instead, bend your knees, turn onto your side and push yourself up with your arms.
Avoid standing with your hands on your hips and pushing your tummy forward. Remember to unlock or bend your knees slightly when standing.
Let others lift heavy items for you.
Avoid remaining in one position for too long. If you need to stand for an extended period, place one foot on a small box in front of you to reduce the load on your back. Swap legs regularly
Keep active.
Swimming and yoga are great forms of prenatal exercise. Use common sense though and avoid any high impact activities or anything that will raise your body temperature too high.
Stretch your body gently every day
Having treated many pregnant women over the years and having experienced treatment throughout my own pregnancy I have a very thorough knowledge of the positive outcomes that can be obtained during these few months.