​​Treatment Philosophy
We effectively manage many of the problems that occur to the back, neck and other areas to the body. I have had good success over many years because of my experience and proven approach to treatment.
1. Reduce joint inflammation and reduce pain with soft tissue work, trigger-point therapy or dry needling.
2. Normalise joint function with specific Chiropractic adjustments and mobilisation techniques to areas of restricted movement in the joints, with the aim of increasing movement, improving the function and reducing pain.
3. Rehabilitation exercise program. When appropriate we introduce exercises to improve strength, endurance and stability. We also work on improving your balance and your sense of joint position (proprioception).
This approach may help you to return to normal and also prevent new injuries.
Listed below are some more specific areas of care that I have enjoyed treating over the years, I have found that the majority of my new clients are referred by friends and family because of the results that they get with this proven approach.
Sciatica can be caused by an any number of injury's to the back; arthritis, weak gluteal or core muscles, poor posture and ergonomics, poor sleep positioning or a slipped disc. The result is pressure on the nerve and pain in the lower back that results in shooting pain down your leg.
Chiropractic care commonly treats sciatica and may achieve excellent results in many cases.
We are trained to identify any number of causes of sciatic nerve problem, and treatment regimes will vary depending on severity and lifestyle.
Sporting Injuries
We effectively manage many of the problems that is caused from sporting injuries, from sprained ankles to whiplash from a fall.
Over the many years many families and professional athletes have come to trust my guidance for injury recovery and advice on how to return to sport safely.

We have all come to notice poor posture, either when we see someone slouching in the office or on public transport, or someone who looks like they are walking awkwardly.
A common posture problem is a forward tilt of the pelvis. This can lead to chronic lower back pain, muscle pain, sciatica, leg weakness, lower extremity circulation problems and much more, The abnormal spinal weight bearing associated with this type of posture can lead to premature spinal arthritis of the joints and discs.
So not only does poor posture look bad but it can have serious affects on your health long term.
Chiropractors are experts at checking and offering practical advice to over come this issues
Headaches are a very common reason why people visit Chiropractors.
Tension type headaches are the most common that require headache treatment. It affects about of 75% of all headache sufferers. They present as a constant dull, achy feeling either on one side or both sides of the head. They are normally due to issues in the upper back, neck or jaw.
There can also be more sinister causes of headaches and these need to be excluded before your Chiropractor will proceed. Further testing may be required such as X-Rays, CT-Scans or MRI Scans. Treatment involves relieving the symptoms and addressing the causes of the headaches.
TMJ and Jaw Pain
Jaw Pain can be associated with difficulty in opening the jaw or pain with eating and chewing.
Another common symptom, the sound of grinding may be noticed by your friends or teeth wear and tear can be noticed by your dentist. This is a symptom of your teeth "grinding or clenching" and can be caused by the muscles in your jaw and neck being dysfunctional.
Commonly we treat the muscles with massage and relaxation techniques while educating you with techniques to continue with at home in between sessions.
Workplace Postural Checks
With the reduction in time on the office many people area lost as to how to set up their home office ergonomics.
At Stanmore Chiropractic we offer a solution to this and offer advice on many work place environments. With the aid of technology we can assess your workplace and offer solutions that are practical and efficient for you to implement.
This results in less shoulder and back pain during the day, and more mobility and fun for you after hours.